Sunday, May 2, 2010

MONOPOLY Brand Electronic Banking Edition

Wheel and deal your way to a fortune even faster using debit cards instead of cash! 
All it takes is a card swipe for money to change hands. Now you can collect rent, buy properties and pay fines - with the touch of a button! 
It's a new way to play the family classic that's been brought up-to-date with modernized tokens (including a Segway personal transporter, 
an Altoids tin, space shuttle, flat-screen TV, baseball cap and a dog in handbag!), higher property values and locations based on your 
favorite landmarks Gameboard comes with title deed cards, chance and community chest cards, 6 debit cards, 2 dice, 6 tokens, 32 houses, 
12 hotels and instructions

No install necessary, just click MonopolyPB.exe to play

Password: %=P 

Thank you : 

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